Building Better Birders and Citizen Scientists Workshop
Building Better Birders and Citizen Scientists Workshops
For the past two years, Kelly McKay, along with Clinton County Conservation and Nahant March Education Center have been presenting a program designed to create a citizenry with better bird identification skills to promote participants getting involved with local citizen science projects. The program has enjoyed success and has just received the 2021 “Ding” Darling Environmental Education Award from the Iowa Association of Naturalists and Iowa Conservation Education Coalition. The award recognizes the year’s Outstanding EE program or event which informs and educates the general public.
The session will be Wednesday, April 19 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. This session will begin at the nature center with an Introduction of Raptors to Iowa followed by a session entitled Midwestern Raptor Population
Trends as Determined by Forty Years of Christmas Bird Count Data. After lunch participants will travel to the Smith Wildlife Area for a bird hike.
This workshop will be conducted by Kelly McKay (BioEco Reserarch and Monitoring Center) with assistance from Mark Roberts (Clinton County Conservation), Brian Ritter and James Wiebler (Nahant Marsh Education Center).
This is a free event and participants may take part in any or all of the workshop day. Funding for this workshop was provided by the Resource Enhancement and Protection – Conservation Education Program (REAP-CEP).
For more information visit the official workshop website at or call the Water’s Edge Nature Center at 295-2138. Pre-registration is appreciated but not required.